A Spiritual Day of St Thomas Chaldean Youth

نهارالاحدالماضي٣٠/٦/٢٠١٩قامتشبيبةمارتومابزيارةإلىمزار  مريمالعذراءمولكوا


أبندأاللقاءبمشاركةالجنيهفيالقداسالالهيالذيقربهالابروديستو،منبعدالقداسقدّمالابروديكلمة  تحدثفيهاعنأهميةالحوارمعاللهوالأختلاءوالصلاةوكيفتكونمشيئةالأبعندمانسلملهذواتنا.


بكلحباخوينشكرراهباتمزارمولكوا  وكلمنساهمفيتنظيمهذااللقاءوكافةأعضاءالشبيبةمارتوما.

On Sunday 30/6/2019 St Thomas Chaldean youth have visited St Mary Shrine in Mulgoa.

The visit included a Spiritual and Entertainment program that began with celebration of the Holy Mass offered by Fr. Rodi Sitto who gave a speech about the importance of communicating and spending time with God in diserning Gods call as through prayer we talk to God, listen to Him and know His will for us.

The youth members then took part in a shared lunch, followed by entertainment activities in which all the members of the youth enjoyed it.

With great gratitude we thank the Sisters of St Mary’s shrine of Mulgoa and all those who contributed to organise this trip and all the members of the youth committee.


About wassan sitto


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