As a first step towards establishing a new ( Youth Group) for our diocese in Sydney, his grace Bishop Amel Nona the highest respect has welcomed our youth in a special ( Dinner Night) gathering which was held Saturday night 11/2/2017 with the attendance of our beloved priests in the hall of St. Thomas the apostle Cathedral.
The event started with Mass at 6:00pm celebrated by the Bishop himself, followed by the welcoming meeting at the hall which included an opening speech by the Diocesan Youth Ministry Coordinator (miss Reta Fargi) in where she gave some announcements about the upcoming youth events for this year, also a welcoming speech presented by his excellency bishop Amel Nona who was so happy being there with all youth, encouraging them and enlightening their hearts to become closer to their true (home) the church of Jesus Christ and to be a pure reflection of his love for all people.
Later, the youth had a good time enjoying the games and activities that were prepared to get them together and know each other.
Of course, as it was a (dinner night) all youth with his grace bishop Amel Nona and our virtuous priests and the leaders have shared a beautiful meal of dinner together in a very lovely and friendly environment.
Looking forward to meet all the youth again next event which will be next month Saturday 11/3/2017 information will be given later