Clergy – الاباء الكهنة


Most Rev. Archbishop Mar Amel Nona

Archbishop of St Thomas The Apostle Chaldean and Assyrian Catholic Diocese of Australia and New Zealand

Date of Birth: 1/11/1967

Place of Birth: Alqosh – Iraq

Ordained Priest: 11/1/1991

Ordained Bishop: 8/1/2010

Address: 66-78 Quarry Road, Bossley Park, NSW 21767

P.O.Box: 3120 Stockland Mall, Wetherill Park, NSW 2164

Phone: (02) 9823-1856

Fax: (02) 8786-2079


The Priests

Minsignor. Rev. Paul Mingana

Vicar General and Parish Priest, St. Thomas the Apostle Chaldean Cathedral, Sydney

Date of Birth: 01/07/1968

Place of Birth: Sharanesh – Iraq

Ordained Priest: 13/10/2001

Address: 66-78 Quarry Road, Bossley Park, NSW 2176

P.O.Box: 3120 Stockland Mall, Wetherill Park, NSW 2164

Phone: (02) 9823-1800

Mobile: 0413-841-168

Fax: (02) 9823-1266


Fr. Yousif  Abdulahad Lazgen

Assistance priest, St. Thomas the Apostle Chaldean Cathedral, Sydney

Date of Birth: 01/07/1954

Place of Birth:  Bersiveh-Iraq

Ordained Priest: 29/03/2001

Address: 66-78 Quarry Road, Bossley Park, NSW 2176

P.O.Box: 3120 Stockland Mall, Wetherill Park, NSW 2164

Phone: (02) 9823-1800

Mobile: 0413-841-168

Fax: (02) 9823-1266


Fr. Rode Sitto

Parish priest of St. Mary’s Assumption Chaldean Church-Sydney

Date of Birth: 25/01/1989

Place of Birth: Batnaya – Iraq

Ordained Priest: 01/09/2017

Address: 42-46 Polding St, Fairfield, New South Wales, Australia 2165

P.O.Box: 3120 Stockland Mall, Wetherill Park, NSW 2164

Phone: (02) 9727 4742

Fax: (02) 9823-1266


Fr. Maher Gurges

Preist of St. Joseph Chaldean Church-Sydney

Date of Birth: 01/03/1969

Place of Birth: Baghdad – Iraq

Ordained Priest: 02/05/1992

Address: 66-78 Quarry Road, Bossley Park NSW 2176

P.O.Box: 3120 Stockland Mall, Wetherill Park, NSW 2164

Phone: (02) 98231800

Mobile: 0422-056-329

Fax: (03) 9357 4556


Monignor. Rev. Thair Sheikh

Vicar of Melbourne and Parish Priest of Our Lady Guardian of Plants Parish, Melbourne.

Date of Birth: 29/03/1977

Place of Birth: Baghdad- Irag

Ordained Priest: 11/01/2002

Address: 93-99 Somerset Road, Campbellfield VIC 3061

P.O.Box: 233 Campbellfield VIC 3061

Phone: (03) 9357 4556


Fr. Emmanuel Gorgius

Assistant Priest of Our Lady Guardian of Plants Parish, Melbourne

Date of Birth: 01/07/1947

Place of Birth: Bidaro – Iraq

Ordained Priest: 16/02/2008

Address: 93-99 Somerset Road, Campbellfield VIC 3061

P.O.Box: 233 Campbellfield VIC 3061

Phone: (03) 9357 4554

Mobile: 0421-740-399

Fax: (03) 9357 4556



Fr. Sand Baseel

Parish Priest of St. Goerge Chaldean Parish and St. Ephrem Chaldean Church, Melbourne.

Date of Birth: 16/07/1988

Place of Birth: Ankawa – Iraq

Ordained Priest: 21/09/2012

Address: 93-99 Somerset Road, Campbellfield VIC 3061

P.O.Box: 233 Campbellfield VIC 3061

Phone: (03) 9357 4554

Mobile: 0415887833

Fax: (03) 9357 4556


Fr. Jalil Mansour

Assistance Priest of St. Goerge Chaldean Parish, Melbourne.

Date of Birth: 03/01/1956

Place of Birth: Iraq

Ordained Priest: 08/12/1991

Address: 93-99 Somerset Road, Campbellfield VIC 3061

P.O.Box: 233 Campbellfield VIC 3061

Phone: (03) 9357 4554

Mobile: 0415887833

Fax: (03) 9357 4556


Fr. Douglas Al-Bazi

Parish Priest, St. Addai Chaldean Church, NZ

Date of Birth: 02/07/1972

Place of Birth: Baghdad – Iraq

Ordained Priest: 29/06/1998

Address: 505 Great south road, Papatoetoe, Auckland 2025

Phone: (+64) 9277-9572

Fax: (+64) 9277-9573


Fr. Hadeel Albabo

Date of Birth: 17/09/1981

Place of Birth: Maesan – Iraq

Ordained Priest: 01/05/2009

Address: 505 Great south road, Papatoetoe, Auckland 2025

Phone: (+64) 9277-9572

Fax: (02) 9823-1266


Fr. Kamal Warda Bidawid

Date of Birth: 15/1/1943

Place of Birth:  Iraq

Ordained Priest: 02/06/1968

Address: 93-99 Somerset Road, Campbellfield VIC 3061

P.O.Box: 233 Campbellfield VIC 3061

Phone: (03) 9357 4554


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