After long days of preparation and great efforts that been joyfully put, the first CAMP of Chaldean and Assyrian Catholic Youth Group has been SUCCESSFULLY DONE !
The camp was held by Chaldean and Assyrian Catholic Youth Group of St. Thomas Diocese, it took place in collaroy center and lasted for three days 14- 16/7/72017 with about 60 people by the supervision of Fr. Dankha Joola the spiritual director of the group and Miss. Reta Farag the youth administrator of our Diocese in Sydney.
Over the three days, the program was full of activities as it included:
Day one ( Friday):
– Prayer,
– A movie night that included a movie relevant to the theme of the camp called “Restless Heart: The confessions of Augustine” and discussion about the movie
Day two ( Saturday):
– Outdoor morning prayer
– A talk by Simon Carrington about relationships and Love
– A group discussion about the topic above
– A talk by Bishop Richard Umber the Bishop of Sydney, on the theme of the camp ( For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be Mth 6: 21), followed by a ” Questions and Answers ” session with both Bishops: His Grace our Archbishop Amel Nona and Bishop Rechard Umber with the group members
– A visit to the beach
– An outdoor adoration hour for the holy Eucharist at night with candles
– A confession session by Fr Denkha along with spiritual guidance and direction given by Deacon Rodi Sitto..
– Some fun activities, games and music ending the day with
Day three (Sunday):
– Morning Mass
– A ” treasure hunt” puzzle game that was to find hidden pieces of two large icons and complete them
– Leaving back home