St. Thomas Chaldean cathedral hosting the Secretary of the Congregation for Catholic Education, His Grace, Archbishop Angelo Zani

His Grace Archbishop Amel Nona, with our parish clergies, and the presentatives of our diocese groups, have welcomed Archbishop Angelo Zani, the secretary of the Congregation for Catholic education in Vatican, along with Professor Ann Cummins Vice- Chancellor deputy ACU and other guests of ACU, as well as Mrg. Thivierge the secretary of the Pontifical foundation (Gravissimum Education) during a special dinner night last Thursday 8/3/2018 at St. Thomas Cathedral’ hall, consolidating the friendship and collaboration within Catholic Education field with our Chaldean diocese in Australia.

After the opening prayer and welcoming the guests, His grace Amel Nona gave a brief speech about the importance of education for the Christians in Iraq, more specifically Chaldean people, and how they used to be always motivated to study and qualified in many fields, as well as the value of the Catholic educational institutions in Iraq which were the destination of all students. His Grace also stressed the interest of our Chaldean students in education after their arrival to Australia and the great ambition they have for susses and   achieve the qualifications they want to be able to serve their community and churches, thanking ACU for the good relationship and scholarship they are building with our Chaldean community towards improving our people educationally within Australian society.

After the speech, Archbishop Zani, professor Ann, and Mrg. Thivierge gave their talks, following by an open discussion with attendees.

During the night, His Grace Amel Nona took the opportunity to welcome our Chaldean nuns, sister Maryam and sister Ann who arrived recently, wishing them a very enjoyable vacation.

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